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Date Assembly Session Event Subject  
26-07-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 2
Question Hour
Inability to pay taxes
07-06-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 1
Question Hour
Various types of taxes received by Gram Panchayat
02-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Central Allocation in Taxes
14-07-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 1
Question Hour
State share of taxes and duties
29-06-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 1
Question Hour
Reforms in check posts of Taxes Department
18-12-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 12
Question Hour
Reasons why landlords in Thaliparamb taluk are unable to pay taxes
02-12-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 12
Question Hour
Amnesty Scheme of Commercial Taxes Department
02-12-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 12
Question Hour
State Taxes and Duties
02-12-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 12
Question Hour
Taxes levied on construction contractors
16-07-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Amount to be collected for state from various taxes
16-07-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Taxes collected for petroleum products
16-07-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Arrears pending for collection by department of commercial taxes
07-07-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Collection of taxes in local self-government bodies -- additional allocation
01-07-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Amnesty scheme of commercial taxes department
30-06-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Application for free permit
free taxes for Taxis
24-06-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Tax Modification in Commercial Taxes Department
24-06-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Steps Adopted to Check Tax Shortage in Commercial Taxes Check Posts
24-06-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Arrears of Commercial Taxes
24-06-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 11
Question Hour
Turn Over Taxes
07-01-2014KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 10
Question Hour
State Taxes and Duties Expected During 2013-14 Financial Year
19-03-2013KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 8
Question Hour
Corruption in Commercial Taxes Department
19-03-2013KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 8
Question Hour
E-Payment System in Taxes Department
23-07-2012KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 5
Question Hour
Share of State Government in the Taxes Collected Directly by Central Government
20-10-2011KLA - 13 (2011-2016) 2
Question Hour
Promotion of last grade employees in commercial taxes department
18-12-2008KLA - 12 (2006-2011) 9
Question Hour
Taxes paid by K.S.R.T.C