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Date Assembly Session Event Subject  
09-08-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 2
Announcement by the Speaker
Time for amendment of finance Bill
04-08-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 2
Question Hour
Marriage finance for girls
30-07-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 2
Question Hour
Amount sanctioned by Finance Commission
29-07-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 2
Question Hour
Scrutiny of Finance Department in KIIFB
10-06-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 1
Point of Order
Presentation of finance bill
10-06-2021KLA - 15 (2021-2026) 1
Introduction of the Kerala Finance Bill 2021 and the Kerala Finance (No.2) Bill 2021
25-05-2017KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 5
Consideration and further stages of The Kerala Finance bill 2017 as reported by the subject committee
15-05-2017KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 5
Question Hour
Student torture in self finance colleges
06-03-2017KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 4
Question Hour
Loan Schemes of Minority Development Finance Corporation
06-03-2017KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 4
Question Hour
Activities of Minority Finance Development Corporation
02-03-2017KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 4
Question Hour
Self Finance colleges
09-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Space limitation in Finance Budget Wing
09-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Gulati Institute of Finance
07-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Motion to consider the Kerala Finance Bill
2016 as reported by the Subject Committee
03-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Marriage finance for Scheduled Caste girls
02-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Micro Finance Institutions
02-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Change in Kerala Finance Act
02-11-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Presentation of Reports
Report of the Subject Committee on the Kerala Finance Bill
27-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Marriage Finance Applications
26-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Motion for reference to Subject Committee the Kerala Finance Bill 2016
24-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Micro finance loan scam
20-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Housing finance
18-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Headquarters under Finance Department
05-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Marriage Finance Scheme for Scheduled Castes
04-10-2016KLA- 14 (2016-2021) 2
Question Hour
Improvement of finances